Modern Technology in Cosmetics

  • Trainer
    Female Trainer
  • Category
    Ladies Section Courses
  • Available
  • Status

Modern Technology in Cosmetics

Knowing the types of skin and what suits them Drawing eyebrows in proportion to the shape of the face Knowing and using brushes Mastering eyeliner drawing Learn the right way to combine Practical application of evening makeup

Course Information

  • Course Start Date: 2022-10-30
  • Course Time: 9:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Location: National Academy of Higher Training, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Course Duration: 4 Days / 20 Hours
  • Number of Seats: 15
  • Class Schedule: Sunday to Thursday


Course Trainer

Female Trainer
Hospitality & Tourism

Training students on learning skills, concepts of hotel management, hospitality and tourism services.